Sunday, February 26, 2012

End the Word

One year ago, I made a commitment to myself and to the people around me to stop using the word "retarded" in my daily vocabulary.  It wasn't easy, as I tended to use the word as a noun, adjective, and verb on a daily basis.

I was shocked at myself when I reflected on how often I used the word.  I wasn't so much shocked that I was using the word.  I was more shocked because I spent two class periods every day with our schools life skills class.  The very kids that the use of this word demeaned were the same kids that I cared for so much in my building.  I was disappointed in myself and my lack of respect for these great students.  I was so smug to act high and mighty around students if they used that language around those kids, but couldn't help to censor myself behind closed doors with my colleagues.

If I can do it, so can you.  I ask you to do two things when you are done reading this post.  First, reflect on how many times you use the word "retarded" in your daily language.  Second, take some time to visit and educate yourself on the issue.

If you can do these things it will be one more step to End the Word.

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